Make It More Personal

See it in action

Put the Right Recommendation in Front of Your Users

You can tell a lot about your users by how they spend and earn their money. FinGoal analyzes your transaction data and uses that data to tag your transactions and users with Persona Tags.

Turn Transaction Data

Into Persona Tags

Send the Right Offer at the Right Time

‍You can push these Persona Tags into any CRM and/or Marketing Automation Tool that you use to deliver personalized and targeted offers with low tech lift.



Digital Banking


Learn More

Get The Best Cleaned and Enriched Data

To better understand and serve users we need the best data out there. We can work with all financial institutions, fintechs, and aggregators to get you what you need.

Select Partners

envestnet yodlee logo
pocketnest iconofcolor icon
constellation logoFinastra logo
Met Life logo
pocketnest logo
"Find Money from FinGoal allows us to hyper-personalize our advice and insights, simplifying the path to financial wellness and making it a reality for the masses."

Ashleigh Craven
CMO, Pocketnest
constellation logo
"With the ability to integrate very quickly with financial institutions, the sky is the limit. The integration can power personal financial management, subscription management, loan origination… it can power just a little bit of everything. Because it’s all about data, and the more data that you have, the more services you can offer."
Daryl Thornton
SVP of Product, Constellation
ofcolor icon
"Not only did you help blow us away with your tech; you managed to do with with style, and to power product features that are really important to us and our customers."

Yemi Rose
CEO at OfColor

Elevate Your Digital Banking Experience

Learn how FinGoal can help you create personalized banking experiences from financial data. Schedule a call to learn more.

Schedule A Call.