July Product Updates

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We're excited to announce an enhancement to our tagging library! Our new tagging library document now offers a more robust and user-friendly experience for sorting and grouping tags. You can access it directly at fingoal.com/tags-list.

Snapshot of new tagging library

How to Use These Tables:

Viewing Tags:

  • User Tags: Navigate to the FinGoal_user_tags tab to view all user tags.
  • Transaction Tags: Navigate to the FinGoal_transaction_tags tab to view all transaction tags.

Exploring Alternate Views:

  • Views: Click on =Views to explore tags sorted by Group and Use Case.some text
    • Group Sorting: Tags are categorized into specific groups for easier navigation. This helps you quickly find tags related to a particular area or theme.
    • Use Case Sorting: Tags are sorted based on their use cases, allowing you to see how different tags can be applied in various scenarios. This view is particularly useful for identifying the most relevant tags for specific applications or analyses.
  • Custom Sorting/Filtering: Use the Filter, Group, and Sort buttons to create custom views according to your specific needs.some text
    • Filter: Narrow down tags based on criteria you set.
    • Group: Organize tags into custom groups that make sense for what you’re looking for
    • Sort: Arrange tags in a specific order to prioritize your viewing or analysis.

For any questions or support, please reach out to our team at support@fingoal.com.

Happy tagging!